Rose & Lynn

Rose and Lynn are two besties who've known each other for 16 years, and their text chain is full of enough sass and playful banter that will make even the most hardened internet trolls blush. But they don't just stop at jokes and jabs – they’re all about celebrating the incredible women in our lives who've shown what it means to be strong, independent, and just a little bit crazy.

So grab a margarita (the size of Lynn's head, of course) and join us as we dive into the world of women. We'll be sharing stories of badass ladies who've kicked down doors, taken names, and done it all while wearing high heels. We'll talk about true crime cases that are so wild, they make even the most outlandish Hollywood plot seem tame. And we'll be sharing our own experiences, too - the good, the bad, and the downright ridiculous.

We promise to keep it light, playful, and always entertaining. This women’s podcast is for anyone who's ever felt like they didn't quite fit in, anyone who's been told they're too much or not enough, and anyone who wants to celebrate the incredible diversity of women everywhere.

 So come on in, grab a seat, and let's raise a glass to all the women out there who are making the world a better place, one crazy story at a time. Cheers!